Two Techs Network Support

Support - Performance - Protection

On-Site and Remote Access


network router actively supporting several Internet connections
power over ethernet router offering gigabyte speed for Internet and local network connections

Two Techs can connect all of your devices in to a single network with cabling and/or wireless hardware. Two Techs can install additional cables in order to connect computers, printers and other devices to your network.

Network Security – Years ago there was little if any concern with network security.  Today things have changed totally.  Keeping your environment safe requires a combination of having protective hardware as well as changing our personal habits to keep malicious and criminal events from causing financial and personal loss.  
Firewall/Router – whether you have a home environment or an office network, you will have a router.  This device has two main functions.  First, a router will bring your Internet connection into your location and will allow devices to be able to gain Internet access.  Second, a router will offer more than one device to connect to it, allowing multiple devices to obtain an Internet connection and to be able to share data between them.  A router offers some protection from outside attacks, but for a higher level, a Firewall would be necessary.  A firewall can offer real-time assessments of internal and external traffic. 

Locally Owned

Two Techs is a locally owned computer support business that believes in friendly, efficient service. Located just north of Tampa Florida, we provide service in the counties of Hernando, Pasco and Citrus.

We Come To You!

We come to you! If you are a home owner or a small business owner, call us at 352-200-2365 and schedule an appointment today.

Remote Service Anywhere

Licensed, insured, certified professional. Not in Florida? no worries. We offer remote service throughout the continental U.S.